Pump absorption of RP Fiber Power double-clad fiber

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The absorption effect of pump light in double-clad fiber is studied. A simple structure doped with a round cladding core, or a D-shaped cladding structure can also be selected, with a small portion of faults in the cross section. The structure of the round cladding is simple, but the disadvantage is that the pump absorption efficiency of many modes is weak.

The absorption effect of pump light in double-clad fiber is studied. A simple structure doped with a round cladding core, or a D-shaped cladding structure can also be selected, with a small portion of faults in the cross section. The structure of the round cladding is simple, but the disadvantage is that the pump absorption efficiency of many modes is weak.

Figure 1 shows the field amplitude in the yz plane. For a simple round cladding structure, there are obvious holes in the beam distribution in the core area.

Pump absorption of RP Fiber Power double-clad fiber

Figure 2 shows the intensity distribution after absorption.

Pump absorption of RP Fiber Power double-clad fiber

The Links:   TP-3142S2 BSM150GB120DLC

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